Northeastern University
IE 7280 – Statistical Methods in Engineering (Fall 2022-2024 — Spring 2023)
Graduate level course on regression, statistical tests, and analysis of variance.
IE 6200 – Engineering Probability and Statistics (Fall 2021)
Graduate level course on fundamental concepts of probability.
Texas A&M University
ISEN 689 – Learning and Optimization over Networks (Spring 2020 — joint with Prof. Eksin)
Advanced topics at the interface of online optimization and network theory.
ISEN 619 – Analysis and Prediction (Spring 2019)
Advanced graduate level course on statistical learning theory.
ISEN 613 – Engineering Data Analysis (Fall 2018, 2020 – Spring 2021)
Graduate level course on applied machine learning with a focus on R implementation.
ISEN 413 – Advanced Data Analytics (Fall 2019)
Undergraduate level course on data analysis with a focus on statistical model building and prediction.